Code of Conduct

Redefined by VIP Limited have laid out objectives by which we will meet to ensure we are looking after the best interests of our clients. Redefined by VIP Limited will treat our clients fairly, ensuring that the information we give them is clear, fair, and not misleading and that we handle all matters with integrity, care, skill, and due diligence; and manage fairly any conflicts of interest that may arise.

The Objectives

·       Our clients are dealing with Redefined by VIP Limited where the fair treatment of clients is a key part of our corporate culture
·       Clients are marketed and sold services in the retail market that have been designed to meet the needs of identified consumer groups and are targeted accordingly
·       Redefined by VIP Limited provide our clients with clear information and kept appropriately informed before, during and after the service provided
·       Our clients are provided with suitable options which takes account of their circumstances
·       Our clients are provided with the services they have been led to expect from Redefined by VIP Limited and the associated providers is both of an acceptable standard
·       Our clients do not face unreasonable post-sale barriers imposed by Redefined by VIP Limited when they want to change product, switch provider, submit a claim or make a complaint



How will Redefined by VIP Limited do this?

  • Training our staff to provide industry leading service so that our clients can feel confident in the service that we provide and the way they are treated
  • Ensuring that all our marketing through any medium, is designed to be clear, concise, and informative and directed at the appropriate market
  • Listening to our clients to understand their requirements and providing them with all the information they need to make an informed decision
  • Advising the clients appropriately, explaining fully and clearly all options available to them to enable the client to make an informed decision
  • Regularly reviewing the products and the partnerships with suppliers to ensure that we are providing the services our clients want
  • Providing an excellent after-sales service and if for any reason client raises a complaint, we will respond immediately to resolve the issues and keep the client informed